October 20, 2016
Launceston Airport named finalist in Tasmanian Tourism Awards
The Tourism Industry Council Tasmania (TICT) has announced Launceston Airport as a finalist in the 2016 Tasmanian Tourism Awards in the ‘Specialised Tourism Services’ category.
Welcoming the nomination, Paul Hodgen, General Manager Launceston Airport was delighted with the recognition.
“It is extremely pleasing to receive recognition for the changes that we have made in the past year to the visitor experience here at Launceston Airport,” said Mr Hodgen.
“Our staff and all our partners all deserve credit for the part they have played in the recent transformation of our airport.”
Launceston Airport has also been nominated as a finalist in the ‘Outstanding Visitor Experience’ category of the 2016 Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Business Excellence Awards.
In 2014 Launceston Airport won the ‘Specialised Tourism Services’ category at the 2014 Tasmanian Tourism Awards and went on to be recognised with a silver award at the Qantas National Tourism Awards.
Launceston also currently holds the title of the Australian Airport Associations ‘Major Airport of the Year’.
For further information, please contact Launceston Airport on 03 63916222 or at [email protected].