Parking Layout and Procedures
Landside Parking Control – Standard Operating Procedures
Introduction: The purpose of this procedure is to outline Launceston Airport policy for Landside Vehicle Parking.
Aim: This document is to inform Launceston Airport users and staff of the requirements related to vehicle Parking and provide a coordinated response to the enforcement of vehicle parking regulations.
Authority: In accordance with the Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997. Part 2, Division 2 and 3, Landside parking control.
Procedure: This procedure is for the enforcement of landside parking control regulations under Part 2, Division 2 and 3 of the Regulations. Designated areas for parking control measures are indicated on the Airport Parking Signage Plan attachment to these procedures and in other parking areas posted by sign.
Public vehicle parking is prohibited kerbside at the terminal building and other areas as signed.
- Visitors can set down and pick up passengers kerbside within the sign posted area in front of the terminal building if; the driver remains with the vehicle and the one minute limit is not exceeded.
- A vehicle may not park in an area designated as a ‘No Parking or Standing zone’ by virtue of road markings or signage.
- Issuing officers have no discretion in issuing or cancelling parking infringements.
- Prior to the issuing of an infringement notice authorised officers must satisfy themselves that the infringing vehicle has committed an offence by virtue of, the vehicle remaining parked or left standing within a zone so signed that it is an offence to do so.
- Failure of Launceston Airport to strictly enforce any parking regulation shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of the regulations.
- Staff must deal politely with the members of the public, controlling and defusing potential conflict situations arising from enforcement duties.
- Issuing officers must promote equality and fairness of opportunity in service when dealing with the members of the public.
- Issuing officers shall under no circumstance accept payment for an infringement notice.
Role of Authorised Persons
Launceston Airport will ensure that all authorised persons for the purpose of these regulation has knowledge of and be competent in applying the following:
- Relevant Airport(Control of on Airport Activities) Regulations
- Launceston Airport Standard Operating Procedures for parking and traffic management
- Relevant Australian Road Rules
- Other State and Commonwealth Legislation as applicable
The typical duties of an Authorised Person relating to Landside vehicle control include:
- The issue of parking infringement notices
- Monitoring and directing traffic to facilitate the smooth operation of landside vehicle movements
- Directing persons to move vehicles in accordance with the Regulations and SOPs
- Arranging to move vehicles contravening vehicle control measures where the driver cannot be located
- Directing traffic as necessary to facilitate response by agencies in emergency situations.
- Advising vehicle drivers of their responsibilities in relation to the designated parking areas and vehicle control zones
- Referral to the Manager Operations and Compliance for determination when clarification of regulatory requirements becomes necessary
Parking Infringement process and appeals:
All parking infringements are issued on behalf of the Federal Government under the Commonwealth Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997.
- If the alleged offender does not wish the infringement enforcement process to proceed they may dispose of it as follows. Within 28 days of the service of the notice, return it with the statement on the bottom of the notice completed and, the required payment amount. The payment may be made by post, addressed to Launceston Airport P O Box 1220 Launceston TASMANIA 7250 or in person to Launceston Airport, or over the telephone by Credit Card. Payment must not be made under any circumstances to the person who issued the notice.
- At the expiry of the 28 day period if Launceston Airport has not received a reply, a reminder notice indicating the alleged offence and required action will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle. If no reply is forthcoming the matter may proceed to court.
- All parking infringement appeals must be in writing and posted to Launceston Airport, PO Box 1220, Launceston, TASMANIA. 7250 including a copy of the notice.
- An authorised officer (Manager Operations & Compliance or delegate) of Launceston Airport may withdraw a parking infringement notice if in the opinion of the authorised officer the offender has a genuine reason or excuse for the infringement.
- All complaints must be in writing and posted to Launceston Airport, PO Box 1220, Launceston, TASMANIA 7250. The complaints will be addressed in an expeditious manner by an authorised officer of Launceston Airport.
Removal of Vehicles
An authorised person may move a vehicle pursuant to Regulation 111 if:
- The vehicle is in contravention of a parking control provision and its driver cannot be found in a reasonable time , or
- If its driver refuses to comply with a direction to move a vehicle in contravention of a parking control provision
- If a vehicle appears to be abandoned and its driver cannot be found within a reasonable time after inquiries by an authorised person as are reasonable under the circumstances or
- If an authorised person considers the vehicle is causing interference with the normal flow of traffic or with the operation of the airport or a permit zone at the airport.
- Launceston Airport may recover reasonable costs of removal and storage incurred in the removal from the owner of the vehicle.
Abandoned Vehicles
Where a vehicle has been left abandoned at the Airport the vehicle may be moved and eventually sold by Launceston Airport.
- An authorised person, having regard to the location; registration status, condition and the period of time a vehicle has been left on the airport property or car park may deem a vehicle abandoned.
- A notice will be sent to the last registered owner advising that the vehicle will be towed if the vehicle is not claimed and all charges payable within 14 days. At the expiry of the 14 days if the vehicle has not been claimed it will be towed to a suitable storage area.
- A notice will then be sent to the last registered owner advising that if the vehicle is not claimed within thirty days and all charges payable, the vehicle will be sold.
- Following expiry of 30 days Launceston Airport will place an advertisement in the local newspaper advising any person having a claim on this vehicle to make a claim in writing to the airport within fourteen days. At the expiry of this period if there is no claimant the vehicle will be sold by public tender.